Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Zoo trip and house work

We got a pretty nice day in March so we hit up the zoo! The rope bridge was finally fixed so they were excited to give it a try. I think this was the day that there was a crazy bird running around the inside portion. He was loud, fast, and crazy! Definitely freaked us out and Ryan had to chase him away! 

Check out that comb-over! 

If I remember right, we were trying to watch basketball and needed to entertain the kids so we brought up the sand/water table and filled it with corn! 

I missed this one from earlier in the month when we went to KC for Nolan's bday! This is trouble.... 
They are hauling the bounce house in the back of their gator. Ha! Nolan LOVES to work and have jobs. 

They put jammies on one night...... except they put on the wrong ones! Funny thing though, Addy didn't notice. I noticed when I saw Mason! They laughed pretty hard. 

Trying to get a few things done around the house required the new Cubs toolbox :) The kids always get excited when Ryan brings out the ladder. Ha! 

Pulling two wagons, just like Grandpa Ron! 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Russell Dickerson

We were going to the Iowa Wild Game and parked in Ryan's parking garage. The kids thought it was pretty cool to "see Dad's work". Addison isn't satisfied though, she wants to go inside and see his desk. Ha! 

Ready for the hockey game! 

The kids' first Iowa Wild game! Addison went to ISU hockey a few years ago but I'm sure she doesn't remember it. 

We just took a picture with the Russell Dickerson jersey instead of buying a ticket and hoping to win it - ha! 

They had fun with the hockey foosball. 

Bought her a souvenir! She had a few RD favorites before the concert and a few of them were on this CD. We have listened to this CD SO MANY TIMES in the last 9 months, I can't believe it still works! Mason even knows what number each song is and the words to the songs. Ha! 

They are getting set up for the concert! We had the debate.... did we go to a hockey game with a concert? Or a concert that had a hockey game? Addy thinks concert, Mason says hockey game. Ha! 

Addison was so excited for her first concert (that she can remember)

Having the time of her life! She knew all the words to a few songs, she sang and danced. And she doesn't usually dance in front of people (besides a dance recital) but she was groovin'. We had probably 4 or 5 people make a point to tell us how impressed they were that she knew all the words. 

Mason wanted to sit on her lap - ha! 

Me and Mason were waiting for Big Wheels - that was our favorite song! Mason had watched that music video on my phone many times. We were so excited when he played it! 

 This was an amazing night! I was surprised how much I enjoyed going to a concert with the kids. They loved it! It got over around 10pm and they were awake and so excited. It was one of the best family outings in my opinion. My heart was full! 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Taking cover....

I picked the kids up from daycare early one day last spring because there were some big storms brewing. They actually let school out early because of the forecast. Knowing Addison would be freaking out about tornadoes, I picked them up early. We got in the car and Mason told us "We did tornado drills and fire drills today. For fire, we go in the bathroom. For tornadoes we go outside" - Ha! 

Addison was taking cover in the basement, but no tornadoes for us. About 5 miles away! 

Addison got dressed for dance and put her tights on the outside.... crazy kid. Her dance teacher said it's how they used to dress in the 80's. Ha! 

Endless entertainment.... 

Spring conferences and we got to see what Addison had been working on. Her pot of gold made me laugh.... "If I found a pot of gold..... I would bury my treasure". Reminded me of Nolan hiding his treasure (all the dive coins) on the beach and not knowing where they were! Ha! 

Mason loved the bag of books from Kelly. He carries these chapter books with him a lot. Ha! 

He read a chapter book at swimming lessons. Ha! 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Nolan's Birthday Party

We went to KC for Nolan's Birthday Party at Urban Air. The kids had a blast!! They were hot, sweaty, messes. They enjoyed the cupcakes! 
They love Nolan's birthday parties... they have already asked me what we are doing for his party this year! 

Addison tried to do everything! We got her up on the rock wall but she was pretty scared..... 

All the kids ran so much that day they hardly slowed down for a picture! 

Mason stayed in the basement for hours playing with Landon's tractors. He didn't care if the rest of us were even around! 

Having a snack of peanut butter spoons! 

He wanted me to take a picture to show Grandpa because he had a tractor pulling two wagons, just like Grandpa. 

It was super nice that Sunday so we played outside for a while! 

On our way to KC, we got stopped on the interstate while they were working on installing a bridge. Addison was looking forward to seeing the progress on our way home....but she was asleep. So we took a picture to show her that they installed the bridge overnight - ha! 

Our drive home from KC is usually pretty quiet..... Nolan wears these too out! 

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sledding & Nickelodeon Universe

We went up to Minneapolis for the weekend and got some sledding in with Parker & Kelly. They had a TON of snow. So. Much. Snow. 

I was so cold I didn't want to get my phone out.... but the kids had fun racing Parker down the hill. It was a much bigger hill than when we went sledding in Ames. 

Tracey got us free tickets to Nickelodeon Universe, we had never been! Kelly went with us, it was a good time. Look at Mason's face!! Pure joy! 

Mason loved this carousel ride - now whenever we see carousels (which seems to be often), Mason wants to go. When they cost money, we tell him that he can't ride it without Kelly because she loves carousels - ha! Kelly is standing with him, though it's hard to see her in this picture. 

Addison was sooo excited to do bumper cars by herself! She rode them 3 or 4 times. Mason then said for months "when I get to be 6, I can do bumper cars by myself" - ha! 

They had Nickelodeon themed rides, they were excited to see Bubble Guppies. It was a hot air balloon ride that spun around. They liked it! Addison did a roller coaster with Ryan, I think it was a little too scary for her. But she loved all the others and rode multiple times. 

We ended the day with the Paw Patrol Adventure Bay city. Waited patiently in line about 45 minutes for 20 minutes of play time in the city. I admit, it was pretty cool!! 

The cars were pretty cool! There was also a lookout tower with a slide and other play structures. 

It was a really fun day and hopefully we can go back sometime. The kids had fun! They didn't fall asleep right away, but eventually did and it was a nice ride home :)