Sunday, July 31, 2022

Valentine's Day

This little dude LOVES his dinosaur bath towel. My old co-worker made this hooded towel and Mason has to have it every bath (if it's clean). It was one of the best baby gifts! After every bath, he wants me to wrap him up like a baby and then we have to go show Ryan and Addison. Then he says "goo goo ga ga" or pretends to cry. 

Mason wore Christmas jammies and Addison wore Valentine's outfit to school one day :) 

Mason and Addison were playing with Addison's doll stuff and found a baby pacifier that we had gotten from Parker. They thought they were so funny playing with pacifiers. Both kids used to have a pacifier but we got rid of them before they were 18 months. Mason didn't know what to do with the pacifier and chewed right through it. Ha! 

Kelly sent us a scavenger hunt for Valentine's Day, they had a blast! They absolutely loved it. Mason didn't have a clue what was going on, but he was excited because Addison was excited. That week, I had to make up two more scavenger hunts for her. Ha! 

My little Valentine's! Addison loves any holidays and Mason is along for the ride. 

Mason's valentines from a friend at daycare, he got a full bag of toys! 

 Addison with some Valentine's treats at her dance class. I don't have any pictures with her goodies from school, but she was so excited to get home and show us everything she got! 

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