Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Dinosaur Footprints

Picture is sideways and I'm too lazy to edit it and re-upload it. We did footprint art, dinosaurs this time. 

 This guy likes getting the muffin cups and pretending to cook with the spices. He managed to get the cinnamon opened and dumped a whole pile and then rubbed his legs in it. UGH! Wouldn't have been so bad but I had to pay FOUR DOLLARS for that bottle at Fareway because I forgot at Aldi's and Fareway brand was sold out. Crazy kid. 

Enjoying a birthday cupcake at daycare. He doesn't really like sweets anyways, but looks like he was trying out the frosting. 

Silly kid was playing with the baseball hats. 

Addison in her new Valentines outfit from Grandma Rita. 

Addison showing her necklace and her bracelet. She got this necklace from Tracey and LOVED wearing it. She hasn't wore it in a while since I won't let her wear it to daycare. 

Oh his favorite perch at the Ames house. He LOVES that he can see out the window and watch all the cars and dogs go by. He gets so excited. 

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