Monday, July 11, 2022

Let's go Cyclones!

It was winter time but Addison wanted to wear her new rainbow crocs. Girl loves her crocs! Grandma bought them for Christmas. Now that it's summer, she wears them almost every day! 

Addison and I went to a basketball game with Kelly and Grandpa Ron. Addison didn't have matching yellow pom poms but she knew Grandma Rita did at the Ames house. So we called Kelly and asked her to bring us the matching pom (Addison knew exactly where to find it). When we got to the game, every seat had a yellow pom on it (ironic yes). Kelly told Addison that she brought one for everyone. Addison believed her. Addison asked where she got them all and Kelly said "amazon". Addison replied "Oh my mom just bought stuff from Amazon". Ha! She came home and told Ryan that Kelly ordered pom poms for everyone at the game. Ha! 

I brought Addison a ring pop for her "treat" during the game, she was excited. 

We brought home a bunch of poms, they played with them for a long time that night! 

My little cyclones! :) 

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