Thursday, July 7, 2022

Snow Play

I laugh that I as post this, we just got home from Mexico where it was 100 degrees. We melted. haha! And now we look at Mason bundled up and snow on the ground! 

This was Mason's first trip out in the snow, and we had to bundle him up!! It was COLD. See his rosy cheeks on the sled. He did not appreciate the snowpants and boots and wouldn't move. He went down the hill a few times then came in. It definitely took longer to get him dressed and undressed than he spent outside! 

Lol, this seems like so long ago....... it was one of the first times we gave him a bowl to feed himself! He was eating mashed potatoes (a less messy item, haha). We were also letting him eat at the table and not with his tray. 

We tried to give him a mohawk in the tub :) Mason liked his bathes but does NOT like bubbles in his bath. I tried that one time when he had a bad cold and I put vapor bubble bath in. That caused quite a freakout! Addison also likes to grab bubbles from my dish water and he doesn't like that either! 

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