Thursday, July 14, 2022

Impulse Buy

This seems like so long ago.....this was one of Mason's first times eating a snack at the table like a big kid. He was so proud to sit in the big chair and use a plate. 

Quite the impulse buy for the Lents family..... we bought a tailgate tent! They had a super clearance sale on ISU tailgate tents and Ryan & I indulged. Addison was so excited. But.... we weren't sure how to fit it in the car! The picture is the tent sticking up from the back end. We made it work. 

Picture from daycare of Mason painting. Yup, apparently they paint with forks :) 

In the winter swimming session, Addison and her teacher would coordinate what color they painted their nails. Then they would have me take a picture of them. Addison loved this teacher! 

Again, seems so funny to be posting this now, but back in January Mason was practicing going up and down the stairs walking like a big kid instead of crawling. He's come so far! 

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