Sunday, July 17, 2022

Love them curls!

Aww.... Mason's curls!! We LOVED the curls :) They were so soft and cute. I tried to take lots of pictures of the curls so we would always remember them (knowing this kid is not having long hair as long as we can help it!). His daycare teacher loved his curls. Every morning when I dropped off, Jenny would hold him and he would put his head on her shoulder while she ran her fingers through his curls. Ha! 

We went to a gymnastics meet and got us a clone cone! Mason wouldn't smile for my picture. I love the gymnastics meets. I like gymnastics itself, but there is also good music, close seats and always something going on! 

But again, he kept his eyes peeled for Cy and would wave to him! 

Oh some sick kiddos. Good thing is, 6 months later I don't remember anything about them being sick this time. So it must not have been too bad! 

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