Sunday, July 10, 2022


Mason's daycare said to send snow clothes one day. Putting snow clothes on 15 1-2 years sounds awful! Probably why they only did it once this winter! Ha! I'm guessing he didn't move, but at least he didn't cry :) 

Mason's daycare kids. He's in the middle with the white hood. 

As it's 85 degrees today, we look at a picture of Addison bundled up for the bitterly cold! She got that scarf for Christmas and loved it. 

Could they be cuter?!?! I love when they read together. This was Addison's favorite book for YEARS. I got really tired of this's one where you have to say "find the camel" and all the items are labeled so she knows there are a ton of things to find! 

 Ha, I was looking on Disney plus one morning and found the show "Dinosaurs". Landon and I would watch this when we were younger, I think Ryan did too. Sent this picture to Landon since Nolan is obsessed with dinosaurs to see if they had found this show yet! 

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