Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Apple Orchard

For Parker's weekend of fun, we decided to head to the Apple Orchard in Cambridge for the afternoon. The place was huge! I have always heard good things about it, I can see why now. There was TONS of stuff to do. If it wasn't cold that day, we could have spent all day there. 

There was a place in the barn where Addison could pick apples and put them in a basket. She loved it. She kept picking and the worker kept putting more out. So Addison kept picking them. It was a very fruitful apple tree :)

Then you could gather the eggs. Addison worked hard to get the eggs.

Next you could dig in the garden. Addison & Parker really enjoyed this part. Who doesn't love playing in dirt?? 

And last you could pick corn. They had a full bucket by the time we were done! Addison really enjoyed the activities and I really enjoyed being inside where it was a tad warmer!!

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