Saturday, January 26, 2019

Our first impulse buy

We were shopping at Target one night and Addison has gotten to the age where she needs to be entertained while shopping. So we walked through the toy aisle and I saw some little Cabbage Patch Kids. Of course that's what I thought she should play with :) And in true Addy-fashion, she needed not just one but TWO dolls. These dolls entertained her the whole time we were in Target.

Then it came time to checkout. She didn't want to put the dolls down. And I of course loved seeing her so excited about a cabbage patch kid. Normally I'm pretty strict about toys, we have plenty and as we have discussed, she loves to play with rocks. Ha! I told Addison to tell Dad please and see if we could get him to cave - ha! I was SHOCKED, he actually told her that she could pick one to buy. Granted they were pretty cheap, but I was still shocked. So encouraged her to pick the Santa one - figured it might make her like Santa more and not be scared of him :) 

The Skjevelands sent us a video one night. Addison probably wanted it 20 times. It's a pretty good one......

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