Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Wine Tasting

I had a Groupon to a winery we like in Adel, so we invited the Thraen's to join us one Saturday. Lauren was smart and brought a movie for the kids to watch while we did some wine tasting :) My kid of course wouldn't look at the camera. 

We got our free bottle of wine and moved into the tasting room. At one point, Jason had both kids on his lap watching the movie. We were so proud of Addison for sitting on Jason's lap. She may have realized that was the best view for the movie though, ha! 

I realize now that we didn't get a picture of the adult, but we got an adorable one of the kids! Caleb and Addison embraced when we said goodbye, it was so cute! 

We had to run some errands after the wine tasting, and it included going to a shoe store to look for running shoes. Addison actually "hid" from us. We were actually proud of her, usually not the reaction parents would have. She is usually so clingy, she won't let us set her down. But in this shoe store she walked around and held Ryan's hand then eventually went off on her own. We laughed at her "hiding" spot though. Very creative. ha! 

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