Friday, January 11, 2019

Silly Pictures

Kelly found these photos on her phone after our weekend together. We didn't know these two were even doing this - ha! I saved them to my phone and Addison laughs every time she comes across the photos.

Just a lion riding a bunny - ha! 

We went to the trick or treating event at Homemakers this year. I had to work late so we met at Casey's in Ankeny, I grabbed us some pizza and took off for Homemakers. We knew it would be busy, but we weren't expecting cops to be directing traffic. It was insane! We parked in some other companies parking lot and walked a decent ways to Homemakers. Then the line was halfway around the building (outside). We were so far back there was barely any light! But it did move fairly quick. It was a great time for Addison to be scared of people because she stuck to me like glue :)

It was a great Halloween event for Addison. We walked through the store in a line and staff were placed throughout the store to hand out goodies. We got Doritoes, juice box, animal crackers, Fun Dip (that one made us laugh), and a variety of other treats. And most of the people were not dressed scary so that was good. There was a blow up dinosaur that Addison LOVED from afar, but she did not enjoy getting close. This was during her "I don't want to take a picture" phase, so these were the best I got. She also wanted to climb on the furniture in the store. The picture above is actually in a sleigh filled with pillows. It was a good event, we were there towards the end. Not sure what I would do differently next time, I might still go towards the end. I bet it's insane right when it opens! 

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