Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Trick or treating

It is now January 15 and I'm just posting about trick or treating! We weren't real sure how Addison would do, since she isn't real fond of strangers. She likes the idea of getting candy but doesn't really know what it is. That's okay :)

She really really didn't want to walk, she wanted to be carried. In the pictures above, we told her she had to walk if she wanted to keep trick or treating. So she tried.... but then it ended up with her crying in the photo on the right.

But the crying the didn't last long. She did really well saying "thank you" to people but she was pretty shy about saying "trick or treat". She did really good when we practiced but then she got shy. Lots of our neighbors were sitting outside so we didn't have to walk up and ring the doorbell, which was good in our situation.

She was pretty proud of her loot!

What a scary lion we have! Halloween may have been months ago, but just tonight she was running around "roaring" at us and trying to scare us! 

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