Saturday, January 19, 2019

Go See Cy!

We took Addison to a basketball game earlier this season. She was so excited to see Cy. Although you realize how little Cy is actually out and about during pre-season games. We spent more time looking for him than we did actually watching him!

When Addison got restless, we brought out some treats. We brought her a bag of popcorn and she was super excited about that. So was Ryan. ha! 

This was towards the end of the game so she was pretty restless, but I tried to get a picture of her with Grandpa Ron. She had just been walking around the stadium with Grandma Rita and didn't want to come back to our seats! 

Girl loves her hat and gloves! I changed her into jammies before we left the game and she insisted on putting on her hat and gloves when she saw them in the bag. ha! 

After that game, she always asks to go see Cy. When we get in the car and leave the driveway, she will often times say "Go see Cy?!?" 

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