Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Weekend at Home

A couple weeks ago, we had a nice relaxing weekend at home. As you can see above in the background, we did a lot of playing :) 

We had been cleaning and working around the house....I told Addison we need to just lay down and rest for a few minutes. Bet you can guess how well that went! The picture above is about the only time she sat still. She liked seeing herself in the camera. 

She got this piggy bank from Makena and Conner for Christmas. She is a big fan of the pig. She LOVES to lick his nose. She is constantly licking his nose, haha. 

This picture is deceiving, you would think she is enjoying mealtime. She then clammed up and wouldn't eat any baby food. ha! But it sure is a cute picture! 

Haha...her new favorite facial expression. She makes the "oooo" sound too. Love it! 

Sent this one to Grandpa Ron....told him Vernon would be proud of her cleaning her tractor.She shined it up real nice. haha!

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