Wednesday, February 22, 2017

9 Months

Well this seems fitting to post about turning 9 months, as she is 10 months old today!! Wow my little munchkin has changed so much! 

This makes me laugh....apparently she was having some rough nights as I wrote she sleeps 2-5 hour stretches. And dislikes sleeping. haha!! Yikes! Clearly no sleep did not affect her mood. 

 At 9 months she loved baby food and had just started eating Cheerios. Stale Cheerios, but she didn't care. She was loving to pull herself up on items. She was roughly 20 pounds and 27 inches tall. Still has crazy hair.

 I was trying to get a picture of her and Gwen, you can see how well that worked out :) The photo on the left was the escape roll.
 I can't wait to take her shopping for her birthday to buy another cabbage patch kid!
Kid still has some crazy expressions! She is at a fun age where she is playing with you. She's also still's okay though because we don't have to listen to the announcers during basketball games. 

And we are done with goofy bow. At 9 months she started to learn that she could pull the bows off. However, she has not learned that if she pulls them far away from her head and then lets go, that they will snap back on her. Ha! 

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