Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Wanna Race??

Anyone up for wheelbarrow races?? 

Haha, Ryan is so lucky he got a kid he can mess with. She puts up with a lot. :) I think I've only seen her get mad at him a few times. I keep telling her to just yell at him and he will stop! 

Socks are the ultimate entertainment. She wonders why we put them on her feet, she prefers them in her mouth. She will actually crawl across the room and go straight for a sock on the floor. 

So excited to have little fingerprints all over my mirror.... sliding glass door.... fridge.... dishwasher, etc haha! 

Addison and I had been upstairs for a while and Ryan heard some screaming. I told Addison she had to stop because Dad would come running. He did. He claims he knew as he was coming up the stairs that she was crying because we were playing dress-up. I don't know how he KNEW that. She doesn't ALWAYS cry when we play dress up, just when she gets stuck. :)

Here is the that crazy expression. Glad I got some photos because it's gone now!

Addison has 9 month photos coming up and I was looking at our options. Clearly Makena's jean dress is out of the running as the poor kid got stuck in it. I was ready to cut it off her but Ryan got it off. She got stuck going into it, so I knew coming out would be bad. But she made it and we packed that dress away. I'm so happy when we make her mad, she forgets it pretty quick!  Guess we better go shopping for a new outfit!! 

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