Monday, February 20, 2017

Starting to stand

Well it was a quick transition from crawling to standing! Only a couple weeks, I thought it would be longer before she had the desire to stand. I'm a month behind in posting, but she LOVES to stand now. We started putting some toys on the couch for her to play with because she is more interested then. The pictures above are from the very first time she stood on her own. She worked really hard with no help. And she finally got it! Motivation was my sweatshirt strings.

 She is obsessed with my sweatshirt strings. Ryan tucks his in so she can't suck on them. What a mean dad :)

All that work must have been worth it, because she went over to the couch and started the process all over again! 

Just a picture of our goofy little monkey. Between her and the tractor, I'm not sure who was making more noise..... little cuddlebug. I made Ryan take our picture. I LOVE when she is sleepy and just cuddles on my shoulder. She was waking up from a nap. Ryan and I sometimes fight over who gets the sleepy cuddles :) 

1 comment:

  1. Note to self, wear a sweatshirt next time seeing Addison and she will want to hang out by me ;)
