Monday, February 6, 2017


These are out of chronological order with the rest of the posts, I was just seeing if I could get it to work! 

Finally got around to uploading videos! Anyone that reads this now better devote some additional time as we have a ton of videos. We of course think they are ALL good, other viewers may have another opinion. HA! 

The video above is just her babbling. She likes to hear herself in the basement when it echos. 

We have a smart kid. She figured out how a drawer works. haha :) She had been trying to get the drawer on our TV stand and her dresser open but they are both too hard for her. But she figured out the bathroom drawer. Not excited for when she figures out there is stuff IN the drawer.....
Ryan sent me that video while I was in class, apparently the drawer entertained her for quite a while. 

Again, another video I got in class - she finally figured out the basketball hoop. Such a baller :) 

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