Tuesday, January 31, 2017

It's an Uphill Climb.....

These photos were taken a few weeks ago. This girl loves to climb. She no longer cares if there are any toys around, as long as you sit on the floor. 

She likes to put toys on one side of you, then climb over to get them. Or she just climbs all over you in general. Ryan will sit on the floor all night and she just goes back and forth :)

Sometimes she's a little top heavy and falls over. 

She really gets her exercise when she does this. It takes her a while and a lot of effort!

One of the pictures I received from Ryan in class one night. That toy she's chewing on is something her and my mom bought at Walmart. I think it was 50 cents. It's got the head of this scary Avengers guy (I only know that because the package said so, I don't know what an Avenger is, haha) and when you hold the button something inside spins and lights up. It always catches her attention. 

Also, you might think I just got done vacuuming with the vacuum in the picture. I'm going to let you think that I clean my house regularly and it didn't sit in that spot for 3 weeks. :) 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Dad's Birthday

We were getting ready to go to an ISU game the next day....so we were trying on our new hat and mittens! Ryan struggled to get the mittens on, her little thumb wouldn't go in the slot. She is licking the mittens :)

My little one-sock beauty :) 

She likes to hold the sign now. Or rub her spit-soaked hand on it so it smears the writing! 

We like to call her Chief Crazy Hair. This was a few weeks ago, and her hair has grown quite a bit since then. It still sticks up.

It was Ryan's birthday so we went to Hickory Park of course. It was Addison's first time in a high chair like a big kid. She usually just hangs out in car seat no problem, but she wanted out this day. She did pretty good. I love the look on her face in this picture, the staff are singing Happy Birthday to Ryan. She looks terrified. ha! ISU beat Texas for Ryan's Birthday, 79-70. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Lents Christmas

Going backwards a little bit....Brad & Lori shared their Christmas photos with me so I had to include a few! 

Just love that little smile!

Nolan loved Addison's ball machine. 

"Lents kids" Both Addison and Nolan had reindeer on....but apparently Grandma Evonne thought they were moose. Apparently Santa uses moose in Southern Iowa :) haha! 

Checking out the gifts

umm...not sure what's going on here! 

Just playing with some gifts. 

Brad & Lori tried hard but smiles were tough! 

Must not be a very happy Lents Christmas....this one made me laugh! 

Clearly did not understand why she was in bag :) 

2nd Cousin Kenny & Addison playing at Aunt Ginny's. Kenny is a little over a year and a total cutie! 

Grandma & Grandpa Lents with all the great grandkids. I asked Gavin if he could hold Addison. He looked at me and said "I'm not sure if I trust myself" ha! 

And the grandkids

True dad with the burp rag over his shoulder! 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Dinosaur twins

Here was the picture I referenced earlier of Parker. It's not the one I had in mind, but I like this one too. Parker was such a cute little guy :) 
I thought Addison had blue eyes...I forgot how bright blue Parker's were as a baby! 

Addison's hair is a touch more crazy :) 

Friday, January 20, 2017

Happy New Year! (and anniversary)

Now that we have a kid, our anniversary celebration is all about her, right?? Ha! Ryan and I spent our 3rd anniversary with friends (from the previous post) and hung out with Addison that night. Ryan's family got home later in the evening and we were in bed before 12. I have missed the New Year the last two years......guess that really means I'm a mom now! 

But missing the new year is totally worth it to hang out with this sweet pea! 

These dinosaur jammies were Cousin Parker's. One of my favorite pictures of Parker was in these jammies. 

It was a great anniversary, seeing friends and hangin out with the kiddo. 3 years went quick! 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

My Two Best Friends

On New Year's Eve, we spend the day with some of our best friends :) Lauren, Jason and sweet baby Caleb were visiting from Colorado. We were so excited to meet Caleb! 
We went to Henry's house, he's always a gracious host. He showed us his horsie :) Lisa was a great horsie!

Addison was perfectly content playing by herself in the corner with wiffle balls. She had to taste each and every one. 

Henry had to come see what she was doing, she was over there for so long he figured she must have something good! 

It's like she's testing Henry to see if he will let her in his house

I love Henry's face. That's how he feels about a girl in his house! 

And Addison shut him in.....

Lisa is holding baby Caleb....You can't even tell. Bella thought she needed to be held too.

I love this picture :) Garth didn't know what to think

What a good looking bunch of kiddos!! Love these pictures

Yup had to taste test all the balls in the ball pit too. 

She was one happy kid though!! She loves playing at Henry's. I really need to take the time to figure out how to post videos here, My cousin told me how, I just need to do it. Sounds like a good Ryan job.  I have one of Henry body surfing down his slide! Kid is fearless. 

Such a sweet baby!! We were so happy to meet Caleb. Only wish he was closer so we could see him more :( We miss our friends!