Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Week 28

In the beginning of November we had Addison's 6 month doctor appointment, complete with shots :( 

This picture was pre-shots. She was LOVING the white paper. She made a mess of it. 

Stats from appointment:
Weight: 16.7 lbs
Height: 26.5 inches
I don't remember exactly and don't have the sheet with me to look it up, but she was in about the 50th percentile for weight, 60th for height, and 70th for head. 


This picture is post-shots. I tried really hard to get a smile......nothin'. She looks so sad! I sent this picture to Landon and his caption was "I hate you Mom & Dad". It fits. Brayden told her that morning that he had to get shots and he didn't cry. "I didn't cry at all, not even a little bit" Brayden said. Well Miss Addison cried. Mom didn't cry this time but almost. ha! 

This were taken pre-shots. Still taking pictures on the floor, couch hadn't arrived yet. 

She reached for the sign and tumbled over. Clearly not happy I took her picture in this form. haha

Such a happy kid! Until the shots, that is. 

This one uploaded upside down and honestly I don't care at this point! I sent this one to Aunt Tracey to show her and Conner Addison found her thumb.....

We had green beans! She wasn't sure what to think of them at first, but then decided she liked them. We thought she was messy then.....geez!

                                                         But she still likes that thumb!!

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