Monday, November 28, 2016

First Food!

I'm about a month behind on my blog! I can't believe I'm just posting pictures of Addison's first foods. 

The first time she had baby food wasn't quite as planned. We fed her applesauce because she had diarrhea for a week and applesauce is supposed to help.  It was a pretty stressful week. One of the busiest weeks of the year for me at work....and we are short staffed....and I had class.....and throw a sick kid in the mix too :) Thankfully I have an understanding work place and people willing to pitch in. Also thankful for two grandmas willing to help!

She loved the applesauce. Still one of her favorites today!

We are working on her holding a bat. She wants to be ready for Brayden next time he comes over.

Moved her into a high chair as she can get herself out of the Bumbo and it's not worth the fight! I think we had peas here and she was not a fan. She looks so clean compared to how she eats now.....maybe I took these pictures at the beginning of dinner :)

Parker came to a football game and got some one on one time with Addison. She LOVED playing peek-a-boo with him!! 

These pictures aren't very good but I included them anyways. This is a cheerleading outfit I found but clearly she needs a white shirt underneath it. She thought it was funny though.

Just playing on Grandma Rita's rug with all the funny textures! In her raccoon jammies of course. Every parent who experienced the GIANT raccoons in Ames needs to have raccoon jammies for their child. hahaha

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