Thursday, November 10, 2016


This post will be about some of the big changes for Miss Addison

Her bald ring in the back of her head is filling in. And her hair is getting lighter. 

Starting to learn to sit up! Still topples pretty easy though in these photos. Which is why we have to take a selfie :) 

This one doesn't show any changes, just a happy girl. 

She is laying on her belly and scooting backwards. Not going forwards yet, backwards is easier! 

And we are getting sick. Can't you tell?? I had to pick her up early this day. 

Rolling over on the changing table. Speaking of changes, we will mention that her "Addy-mark" as we call it has not changed. She has the one on her right shoulder and left fore-finger. Both are unchanged and that is good news! 

Awww....this picture makes me happy and sad at the same time. I took this picture because I wanted to remember what it was like to hold my sweet sleeping baby. It makes me sad for how much she has grown already but happy because she is such a little person now and soooo fun to play with!! During maternity leave I was focused on putting her down so that she would learn to sleep on her own. Ryan and I never held her while she slept because we didn't want to start that habit. And I don't regret that at all because she will sleep on her own.....but sometimes, we just can't help ourselves and we hold her for a little longer than we should. And the sad part comes in because I feel like I miss so much when I'm at work and school. But I remind myself that I have to work so I can buy Addison all the pretty things she deserves! (Ryan and my opinions differ on that one- ha!).

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