Monday, November 7, 2016

My little ghost

Well it's time to catch up now, I'm a little behind. October is one of our busiest months at work, not to mention I had a lot going on in school too. So I didn't have much time to update the blog. So I'm writing a bunch today and setting the timed-posting :)
Addison is 24 weeks old! I know people probably think it's silly I take a photo each week, but I think it's crazy to see the changes. I can tell the changes anyways. Her little outfit has ghosts on it and came with a Halloween bib that says "Boo". Another great Grandma Rita outfit.
"I'm how old?!?"

Grandma Rita found the cutest pink North Face at Duckworth Wearing. It's adorable!

 Figured we hadn't taken bath photos in a long time. Addison loves her bathes now. She has figured out how to splash and makes a huge mess! I'm usually drenched by the time bath is done. But how can you care when she's so happy?!

Wanted to document our blue jammies that say "Thank Heavens for little boys" - ha!

It's been too long that I don't remember why I took this picture. Probably just because I thought she was cute.

Ryan sent me these pictures while I was in class one night. Adorable!! I love these pictures.

Just reading to myself :)

These pictures are about 4 weeks old and it's so crazy how much she has changed in 4 weeks!! For one, her hair has grown. It's fuzzy and sticks up everywhere. We LOVE it. 
I will catch up quick so you can see the changes! 

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