Sunday, November 6, 2016

Fly the W

Well Addison....the wait is over :) You didn't have to wait long, only 6 months. You have waited your whole life, just like all the other cubs fans - haha! The Cubs have won the World Series! They won in the 10th inning of Game 7. The Cubs were ahead until the 8th inning, then the Indians pulled ahead. It was the most stressful couple hours I've spent watching a game in a long time!

I know your dad won't believe me, but this summer when you and I would watch games, I would tell you "This could be the year kid" I wanted so bad for this to be "the year". I still can't believe they won!

My love for the Cubbies started when I was young. I would ride in the tractor with your Grandpa Ron and we always listened to the cubs on the radio. AM 1350 was the channel. And if we weren't in the tractor, the radio would be on in the pick-up with the door open so we could listen while we worked. I grew up listening to Harry Carey yelling "HOLY COW!" when a home run was hit. I have good memories listening and watching games with your Grandpa Ron.

This is a game I will never forget! This is huge, kid. November 2, 2016 is a date to remember. I feel like my old dog Chip brought us good luck. November 2 was his birthday. He listened to Cubs games with Grandpa Ron too :)

I have attached a few pictures from the win this week.

This was Addison Russell's grand slam in Game 6

No unfortunately you weren't watching this live. Your dad wouldn't let me wake you up. I suppose he was probably right, it was midnight. You were happy anyways!


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