Wednesday, November 16, 2016

6 months

Well pictures are getting harder! Still no couch so we had to set her on the floor.

This is the best one we got. I didn't feel like fighting her for more pictures!

Grandma Rita gave Addison a Christmas toy that sings. She is very interested in it and we play it quite a bit. Pretty catching song :)

Everything is in the mouth....and no she isn't teething. We are so tired of everyone telling us she's teething! 

I need to get a video of Ryan's ghost noises :) 

Addison spent a day with Grandma Rita while she was sick and they made us all sorts of good food! We got a meatloaf for the freezer, deviled eggs, cookies, and a spaghetti pie with bread sticks for supper that night! They were busy little bees that day. Eating leftovers the next day and Addison was very interested in our spaghetti pie. She has become very interested in whatever we are eating! 

Addison's selfie! I love this picture! We were just playing one night and she was sitting up really good so I took a selfie of her. So thankful that she is this happy at night!! She is also wearing our favorite jammies. I'm a few weeks behind on posting....wait till you see the crazy hair we have now! 

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