Thursday, August 31, 2023

Naples Children's Museum

Rainy day in Florida so we decided to go to the Naples Children's Museum. Mason loved the outdoor water play area! 

Thankful for a change of clothes in my backpack..... he was soaked! 

They had this giant treehouse that the kids could climb up. They are at the very top in that window. 

The kids loved the store. The cash registers actually had buttons and made noise. I'm not sure why buttons and noises are so satisfying. Ha! 

Mason reporting the news. 

Their favorite part of the children's museum was the vet's office! Mason made sure they had the area all to himself..... ha! He had a bad cough and parents were guiding their children away from him throughout the whole children's museum. The vet's office was a small enclosed area, so parents quickly got their kids out. Ha! There may have been a few times where we also looked around like "who's kid is that?" haha! 

Veterinarian Addison taking care of her animals. 

This was in the midst of Mason's love and demand to see cows while we drove. So I snuck him on the statue for a quick picture. 

Cooking us food in the kitchen area. It's fun to watch Mason do pretend play... he hadn't done much at this age! 

This was a great way to spend a rainy day in Florida. The kids had so much fun! It rained all day this day, which was usually for us. We were ready to be outside again! 

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