Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Dogs and pumpkin carving

Loving the corn pit at the pumpkin patch! There was always so much that came home in Mason's pants.... 

Addison loving the new zipline. Mason will love it this year! 

Working on his roping skills. 

Addison's assignment was to draw a picture of her pets. Well, she has none. So she drew Scooby and Baby Dog (Thor), who she is deathly afraid of. Ha! We laughed that she drew them inside houses with no way out, we assume that was done on purpose. Ha! This was at a time when she had so much anxiety around all dogs and would cry and basically freak out. We were at Landon's and I put her on a chair in the living room that I thought Thor wasn't allowed on. Well, we all heard her scream..... it's the one chair he's allowed on and he jumped up with her! I felt so bad. 

Cooper was the only dog that she would be semi-okay with..... but the old man passed away and we were all sad. She said for about 9 months that she wanted Cooper for her birthday and Christmas. Broke Nicole's heart! Cooper was an amazing dog. I told Addison we would definitely had a dog if it was just like Cooper. 

We got this at her school conference in November, had no idea she had drawn it. It was a fun surprise at conferences. 

Addison told me last night that she wants a kitten but when it grows up to be a cat she will sell it. I told her no one would buy a cat :) And she wants a puppy, hamster, and guinea pigs. Ha! 

Pumpkin Carving!! Mason didn't love the guts but he did better than Addison :) We have some pretty good videos and pictures of the last few years pumpkin carving with her. They wanted a scary pumpkin last year. 

Here is their scary pumpkin!! We also got some fun pumpkin stickers, they enjoyed those more than carving (and much cleaner and faster!!)


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