Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Growing fast

Measuring Mason at 2.5 years, this kid is growing like a weed! He is much taller than Addison was at this age. He's in the 80th-90th percentile in most areas and Addison was always in like the 5th percentile. Ha! It makes me said that Mason wears bigger clothes than Addison did at the same age.

Scrub scrub scrub! I like that the kids like to help clean...sometimes. Ha! They enjoy scrubbing the floor and get a rag with a bucket of water. 

And more football games! These kids are excited for football to start in a few weeks! 

 Addison took this picture to send to Tracey to tease her..... when she is in Tracey's bed, Tracey tickles her. There was one time that Landon slept in Tracey's bed and Addison said to me "I can't wait till Tracey finds out Landon slept in her bed, she's gonna tickle him!!" Ha! I can't wait either kid. :) 

This is how this kid looks after daycare. Almost every day. Ha! I would ask him if he ate dirt..... 
His hands would be dirty and he would rub his hand from his mouth up to his nose. Ugh. Filthy dirty every day! 

Checking out his turkey booty in the mirror. Ha! He wore this out the year before, and it apparently still fit! 

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