Friday, August 18, 2023

Flying to Florida and Loose Tooth

I was itching for a vacation and I found cheap flights, so I booked a last minute trip to Florida over Thanksgiving! I think we booked it 3 weeks out if I remember correctly. 

It's so easy to fly with the kids - ha! Actually Mason does take some work if he is awake. I found Tractor Ted on Amazon for this trip, which was amazing for my little farm loving boy. He loves Tractor Ted and the Munchy Crunchy episode (about farming carrots). 

Addison discovered a loose tooth on the flight, she was soooo excited!! I didn't believe her at first, since she is always saying she has a loose tooth. But she actually did! This was a very happy day for this little girl. 

Had to make our trip to the outlet mall to see the turtles in the pond! 

Went to Costco and got the infamous hotdog and soda deal - ha! Addison got herself a new pair of gloves from Costco. Gloves in Florida.....who knew? She wore them the whole trip. Then she lost one I think in March. She was devastated. She worked very hard to find it (we all did), but never found it. One day, one of her friends thought she found it. We were all so excited. Until we realized it was the same hand we already hand.... therefore not our glove. Lots of disappointment in our house that day :( She has been saying for months the first thing on her list for Santa is a new pair of purple gloves. Ha! 

 We love the golf cart rides!! Mason had to take the baby along for this ride :) 

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