Saturday, April 1, 2023

Two Kids on a Bike

Kelly and I were working hard on the 50th Anniversary scrapbook for my parents and we needed a picture of 2 kids on a bike. There was a page where we listed the things we have learned from my parents. Growing up, we had a big van and Dad would always say "Is there anyone behind me?" when backing up and one of us would jump up in the back window and let him know if anyone was behind us. I assume it was Landon who started saying "just two kids on a bike". 

So every time Dad asked, one of us always answered "just two kids on a bike". And one time there actually was two kids on two bikes behind us and I had to say "for real, don't back up, there really are two kids on bikes back here!" Ha! 

So I made my two kids, get on one bike, and take a picture for the scrapbook :) 

Mason's hair was long enough for Addison to put ponytails in again - ha! 

Just one more vacation for the summer...... heading to Minneapolis! 

Addison had to get some work done in the car. Busy busy! It's hard being the boss. 

Ahhhh.....once again relaxing in a pool! Back to Florida before the hustle and bustle of fall. 

Grandma & Grandpa were with us for a few days. Mason did not want his picture taken. Too bad kid! 

Went shopping for new tennis shoes for Addison......she kept trying on fancy shoes with heels! 

 They love going to the outlet mall to play in the little cars, even though we never give them a dollar to make it turn on :) 

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