Monday, April 3, 2023

Aargh Matey!

Pirate Cruise!! Once again, super hot but we were all excited for the pirate cruise! 

Addison joined the other kids in the hunt for the treasure. 

Our ship captain was texting and driving with his foot. Seems safe? 

Me and my buddy! Love this one. 
I forgot about him wearing black in the 100 degree sun. He LOVED that shirt. He wore it every time it was clean. Definitely his favorite. Not sure if because it was black.....or because it had a soccer ball, baseball, basketball, and football on it. But it was his favorite! I had to pack it away a few weeks ago...... hopefully he forgets about it!

Beautiful hot day for a cruise.

Playing 'musical treasure' and hoping Addison could win the game. She didn't. Ha! 

 My little pirates! After this cruise, they decided they wanted to be pirates for Halloween :) 

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