Sunday, April 16, 2023

Last day in Florida

Family picture with the palm trees :) 

Happy kiddos in the pool! 

We took a video to send to Tracey of what she taught them. She taught them "swimming lessons" in Mexico, which was the joke because she doesn't know how to swim. She taught them to kick, do scoops, and make it rain. They thought it was fun! 

This is actually a good picture! 

A little out of order, but we were getting prepared for the pirate cruise. Arggh Matey! 

Sad day, we were on the way home. Can you spot 2 crazy kids? 

We had to rush back to make it to the high school where the school merchandise truck was selling gear. We didn't always have clothes last year when we were told to wear school apparel, so we rush over to the last 5 minutes of the store being open. Got ourselves a flag Ballard shirt! 

She got this beautiful fur purse the last time she was at Tracey's house..... she carried it around for weeks. It went in the car with us and she was constantly counting how many coins she had. In fact, she even got it out last week when we were doing a math problem with money. Ha! 

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