Sunday, April 30, 2023

Pride Rock, Adventureland, and the Zoo!

Annual picture at the pride rock in Bondurant. Little more difficult since we don't live in Bondurant but that's okay! We drove through the old neighborhood and looked at all the new developments in town. 

Our little skeeball pirate..... multiple times this summer, he pushed the "start" button (because he likes to push buttons" and then all the balls came down. He got a free game! This happened more than once. Ha! 

Little race car driver. This kind of makes me sad.... we didn't get season passes this year. I'm going to miss Adventureland! 

Enjoying a nice day at the park :) 

We had purple cupcakes for Grandma Rita's birthday. 

Mason's favorite animal, the zebra! It's 8 months later and it's still his favorite! He got a zebra balloon animal just 2 nights ago at an event. 


 It happened to be Princess Day when we went to the zoo..... we didn't realize that. You had to pay extra to go to the Princess Party, thankfully Addison was okay missing it. :) 

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