Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Fort Myers Beach and Sanibel Island

He LOVED this plastic dump truck and carried it around with him. I should have taken a picture of the length of the pier, but he scooted along with his dump truck. Could definitely tell we weren't in the midwest..... back home people would have seen him and smiled, and patiently walked around him. Most would have said something nice as well or made conversation. Not in Florida....people didn't say anything and looked annoyed at him. Ha! 

Just the boys checking out the water and looking for boats.

The Lents family loving life in Florida. I think it's safe to say it's one of our favorite places! 

Ah the beach! Mason did better with his toes in the sand this time (insert eye roll). We were at Fort Myers beach this time. 

This girl loves the beach and water. It was pretty hot so the water was a nice cool off. 

This guy just loves some sand to play in. And that dump truck. 

And another day we went to Sanibel Island. We decided to hit up the lighthouse this time. We were walking on the path to the lighthouse. I love that these two love each other (though as I write this, they do fight more)

Water far as the eye can see. 

Getting our toes wet. 

 The lighthouse. Just about 2 months after this picture, this island was destroyed by a hurricane. Crazy that this was our first time at the lighthouse and shortly after, it got hit hard. The lighthouse miraculously survived (no idea how). More on the hurricane in a later post when we drove through the devastation. 

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