Saturday, April 8, 2023

Sanibel Island

The kids love the shells at Sanibel Island. They each pick a few they get to bring home. We have never gotten any of the super big shells, we have heard the 'shell hunters' get those early in the morning. 

A nice guy walking on the beach offered to take our family picture. :) 

We love the beach but we love the pool too! 

Grandma let Addison eat cool whip right out of the container, she felt like such a rebel! 

There was a super tiny frog on the lanai, the kids both petted it. Ryan had to catch a few that were in the pool too. One of them was playing possum..... we for sure thought he was dead. Ryan brought him out and dropped him on the cement. He laid there a few minutes then hopped away! 

We always get some ice cream treats while in Florida, this time it was ice cream sandwiches! 

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