Friday, March 31, 2023

The flight home

Sad to be leaving Mexico :( But loving airplanes! Both kids did amazing on the flights (well, never a question about Addison). 

There were some crazy storms on our way home from MN. Tried to capture the double-rainbow. The kids were stoked. 

Grabbed some Wendy's on the way home and found out Addison was using her finger to lick up the ketchup. She learned that from Nolan. If that's worst thing she picked up from Nolan after 5 days, we are considering ourselves lucky!! Ha! 

I feel I may have posted these pictures already but I'm not going back to look :) 

Oh the giant mess they make when the tent comes out..... I feel like they just take the cubes and dump them out in the tent. Yikes..... 

Utterly amazed that Mason could hold himself up!! This kid is strong compared to Addison! 


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