Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Hey Mr. Taco Man!

Using our Zoo pass..... the giraffes are one of our favorites! I love Mason waving at the giraffe over the fence. 

Mason could have sat and watched the animals for hours! I like the giraffes at the DSM zoo because we can get close and they are always doing something. Mason is watching the baby giraffe that was born last year. 

 "Hey Mr. Taco Man!" This little dude loves tacos. For the last 6 months, he asks for them a couple times a week. He does really good at holding them together and eating over his plate. 

One of Ryan's favorite games with Mason is to say things like "Hey Mr. Taco Man!" and Mason will repeat it back to him and laugh. It works with anything.... but our favorite to say to Ryan is "Hey Mr. Holey Sock Man!" It never gets old, Mason repeats and laughs every time. 

And this picture is just because I think he's just the cutest :) 

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