Saturday, January 7, 2023

"Applebees on a date night"

Addison's Elf got her an Applebee's gift card and we finally used it! She was pretty excited to go to Applebees. 'Fancy Like' by Walker Hayes is a popular song in our house, so the kids thought it was fun to go to Applebees. Fun Fact, the first time Ryan and I went out to eat was on a date to Applebees. :) 

Pool night! Mason is pretty timid of the pool at first, but he gets used to it. 

Addison really really wanted a romper. Her other one was too small. So I let her pick out a new one and she got a 2 for 1 deal. She must be listening when I talk about getting deals. ha! 

The kids ready to go to daycare! Addison likes this romper the best.... I do not agree. Ha! And Mason wore his workboots to daycare a ton this summer. Too funny! 

Went to the park one night and Mason grabs the bars, swings, then let go and fell on the slide to go down. That doesn't seem fun to me..... but he did it over and over again! 

Can't pass up a good deal on a cute shirt! Ha! It may be 5-7 years before it fits her, but I thought this shirt was super cute! 

I can't remember what they were doing, but it was a cute photo op :) 

Oh that laugh! It warms my heart. I'm so grateful that we can take videos to document things. These kids are so silly! 


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