Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Summerfest Parade

We were getting ready for our big Mexico vacation and Mason got a new American Flag hat!

Our little fashion model with her new hat and new sunglasses. She told me to send this video to my whole family :) 

Aw my little cuddlebug! Every time I call him my cuddle bug, Mason and Ryan said "not a cuddle bug!" Now Mason will tease Ryan and call himself a cuddle bug :) He looks so sweet, I wish I could spend every minute of the day with him! 

It was a hot one! This was the Ankeny Summerfest parade. We definitely were too late to get a spot, but we squeezed in on the corner and another family was nice enough to share some candy with the kids. These are their baskets from Mexico. 

Mason was pointing at the tractors. The parade started with a John Deere Sprayer. 

It was a good parade and we hit up the playground before leaving (as we let traffic clear out). 

That giggle!! Ha! I love it. 

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