Thursday, March 31, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving

Mason got up one morning and apparently wasn't ready to get up. He wasn't feeling well and fell asleep on the living room and then the kitchen floor. Poor kiddo! It was the week of Thanksgiving so our doctor was packed and I had to take him into Express Care. He had been exposed to COVID at daycare and now wasn't feeling well. UGH. I was selfishly disappointed, I had an appointment to do my hair and was going to go shopping in DSM. It's my one day a year :) ha! He ended up feeling better later in the day and the COVID test came back negative. All was good :) 

My birthday was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, so we stopped at Hickory Park for lunch on our way to Minnesota. 

 Addison and Parker playing candy land. 

Building a ginger bread house takes a lot of hands! 

Finished product! It was hard work and Makena was dying to eat it. She thought the reason you built the house was just to eat it :) She ate some of it, but decided it wasn't any good. 

Addison said she was very thankful for her family this year. Me too kid, me too! 

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