Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Dear Santa,

Addison got to talk to Santa, she did really good and was so excited. It was nice Santa had time to chat! 

Our annual tradition is to visit Santa at Bass Pro prior to Thanksgiving. We avoid the rush, have time to chat with Santa, and be sure that we get our request in early - hah! Not to mention.....checking a to-do off my list :) 

Addison wrote her letter to Santa for her and Mason and dropped it in the mail. This year she asked for Kinetic Sand, a doll, and a Unicorn. Not too hard - ha! 
 Mason asked for a tractor and a ball. 

 Love the pic! Didn't get a smile out of Mason, but he sat there and we thought that was a win :) This is a picture of a picture, that's why there is a glare. Oh well! 

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