Tuesday, March 22, 2022

My buddy Cy

Mason was waving to Cy, I was so proud of him! Addison would not have done that at that age. Cy came up the stairs and tried to give Mason a high five, then he hid. 

My happy little guy! 

I didn't get a picture of the clone cone fast enough - ha! She loves them. Now she eats all the cone, I used to at least get the bottom of the cone :) 

Addison happily smiled for my photo........ 

Mason didn't. Ha! He wouldn't look at me for nothing. You can see he is holding his little Cy squishie in his hand. He loves that thing. You will see in later posts that I try a few more times to get this photo. 

 And a random football picture mixed in with my basketball photos :) 

Addison loves The Grinch so I took her to Hobby Lobby to pick out a new Grinch decoration. We loved this giant Max :) She wanted the even larger Grinch, but we said not this year :) She is SO into decorating the house. I'm posting this in March, she wanted to decorate for St. Paddy's day last week. I have NO St. Paddy's day decor!! Now I'm looking for some on sale for next year - ha! 

Haha, this little guy LOVES to get into the spice cupboard. He gets out all the silicone baking cups and then pretends to pour spices in them. In the last few months though, he has learned how to open some of the containers...... I had a $4 bottle of cinnamon he dumped out - ha! 

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