Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Fall Fun

It was hat day and she chose to wear her Cubs hat. She wanted to wear her matching 1/4 zip. Girl loves her 1/4 zips! I thought she looked like a pretty cute Cubs fan! 

It was nice day on a Sunday after a football game so I told Addison I would take her the park. On our walk back to the car, I told her she could run through the leaves. She thought that was a good idea :) 

She's wearing jeans in these photos, which is a rare occurrence. She doesn't wear jeans often because she insists on wearing a belt with them and I don't trust she can undo the belt and jeans IF she has to go potty at school. I say "if" because she rarely has to go at school - ha! 

Addison loves to help out, with anything we are doing. She is helping Ryan build a bookcase here. 

Ryan caught a football players glove for Addison. Addison can't wait for her hand to grow into it. The glove belonged to Zack Pedersen. 

 Mason's daycare did "school pictures" We had just had family pictures taken so we didn't order any, but we keep the little postcard of proofs. He actually had some good smiles, we were shocked. Ha! 

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