Sunday, March 27, 2022

Christmas blow-up decorations

My little Turkey with his Thanksgiving hat :) 

It never ceases to amaze me how daycare gets these kiddos to sit and eat! This was their Thanksgiving feast :) 

Grandma Rita took Addison to Lowe's and picked out some inflatable yard things, Addison was so excited! We put them up during Mason's nap one day, she was so excited to see them. 

He thought they were pretty cool. Addison says the little snowman is Mason and she is the big snowman. The kids loved watching the blow-ups outside Addison's window. 

They loved that the blow-ups lit up :) 

Took the kids to Theisen's Christmas Shopping and Addison loved that they had a popcorn machine. Not many stores do that anymore! Mason LOVES the little trucks & tractors. There was a massive fit when I told him we had to go. Ryan was at the check-out with Addison and heard Mason across the store. 

His hair is getting long! He has the cutest curls after his bath :) 

Ryan was walking around Hilton with the kids during a basketball game and got this super cute picture of Cy & Addison! She was so happy, she asked to see this picture frequently for a couple weeks :) 


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