Thursday, February 17, 2022

Matching outfits and a football party

Finally into the month of November! Mason at daycare drawing with chalk

Working at home with this little dude and he thinks he needs to help me :) He climbed up on the chair by himself and he was pretty proud of himself. 

Needed to run a few errands and took this little teenager with me. She has her purse, her watch and her cell phone. She couldn't answer my question because she was on the phone. Ha! 

It was a nice Saturday and one of the kids had been sick, I don't even remember which one. Ha! We stayed home because I was worried about getting my family sick. It was a nice night so we took a walk to the park. 

I won't do that again without Ryan. Ha! A mile is a long distance with the wagon and these two! Whew! I had to recruit Addison to pull Mason for a while. 

 This guy was pretty proud of himself, he made it up into his high chair all by himself. It's not easy, but he was hungry and determined. Ha! 

Addison LOVES that both her and Mason had matching jerseys :) 

I missed the tailgating and the game, but I had a great night with these two. I love them more than anything! 

We put Mason to bed and ourselves a little football party. We had popcorn while we watched the game. 

Then ice cream sundaes with carmel, chocolate, and sprinkles. :) Really terrible pictures of me, ha, but oh well! Addison stayed up till the end of the game, we had fun. ISU won 30-7, it was a fun game to watch. 

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