Tuesday, February 15, 2022

More Apple Orchard...... for the last time

Last time on the train for this season! It was a pretty nice day so we ventured to the orchard one last time :(
Clearly I need to update more as I'm posting about fall/Halloween events and it's Valentine's Day! Yikes! 

Top of the hay bale tower

We didn't do the corn maze this year, it was too muddy this year. 

Mason decided he's done riding in the stroller this year and threw some massive fits when I would try to put him back in it. So while Addison was on the jumping pillow, I decided to let Mason get in the corn pit. We have kept him out all year for two reasons....... because I didn't want him to eat it and I didn't want to deal with the mess at home - ha! 

He wasn't sure what to think at first, but then decided he liked it. Addison was so excited when she saw us. 

It was Halloween and we needed to carve our pumpkin!! Addison wanted a scary pumpkin. She had zero interest in getting the pumpkin guts out. We bribed her. I think I told her if she got 10 seeds out, she could have a sucker. It took lots of thinking, but she decided she would do it. 

Then I laughed at this scene, she got her ten seeds out and she was done! She looks like a little teenager - ha! 

The photo doesn't do it justice, but this is a "game" Mason loved to play. He loved it when we would spin a football on the ground. He would watch it spin or knock it over. Then he would say "more more" and do the signal for more. He would get really giddy if two footballs were going. Addison liked to try to spin the ball as well. It was a silly activity but provided lots of entertainment. It was also a challenge to Ryan and I to see if we could spin different types of footballs (big, small, foam, leather, etc) and how long they could spin for. Ryan figured out he could start the ball on it's side and it would pop up to be on the tip. What a talent- ha! 

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