Thursday, April 22, 2021

Valentine's Photos

You can't tell, but he's in the process of partially breaking the sign. Ugh! 

We have this game called "Nibbled" and you have to attach the fish to your clothes. If you guess the right color of the fish on the card you flip, you give your fish to someone else. We have had this game over a year, and Addison beats me every time. Not kidding. This day, I had to take a picture as I actually beat her. She always does a victory dance so yes, I did a victory dance after finally beating her! 

This girl was so excited for Valentine's Day! 

Oh yes, I love holiday outfits and photos. Ha! 

I love these two more than anything! And for now, they love each other too :) Addison never gets mad at him, if he does something naughty she just says "he's a baby and doesn't know any better. It's my job to teach him"

Look at that sweetheart! Since this photo, he has lost some of that sweetness and got a little sass to him. Ha! 

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