Monday, April 5, 2021

Addison's Goal

Her baby was crying so she was shushing her and bouncing her back and forth like I do Mason. This girl loves her babies :) This morning, Mason had just gotten done with his bottle and Addison came over to talk to him. She was tired this morning and didn't want to talk to us, but she was so happy to see Mason. She was cooing and finding toys for him. 

"Mom take our picture in our matching jammies" - Ha! She considers them to be matching when they are both wearing fleece footie-jammies with a button at the top. She's always so excited, I don't burst her bubble. 

Addison brought this home from school. We have no idea where this goal came from, but we liked it :) Hopefully she will grow up to be a CPA! Ha! This girl does love her money though. She likes to tell Tracey that she needs more money and gets change from Grandpa Dale. But before she can count money, she needs to learn the different coins......

And to leave you with one of our favorite videos today. This was in January and we were all busting a gut at this kid. I love when he throws his head back and has to catch his breath. The only thing we are doing is throwing a ball to him. 


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