Monday, April 26, 2021

Super Bowl Sunday

We had a very lazy Super Bowl Sunday at the Lents house. COVID kept us home, but we made the most of it. We still made some Super Bowl food and we were pretty excited about it. Mason got pretty wore out by all the festivities, so he had to take a nap. 

Addison was pretty tired too. By the start of the game, this is what she was doing. 

So they napped together for a little bit - ha! 

 Addison was so excited for Valentine's Day this year. I don't think she really understood what it meant, but she just knew they were going to be celebrating it at school and that's all that mattered! Instead of candy this year, we did snap bracelets. We get candy from Valentine's Day and Halloween and she doesn't eat it. She was SO EXCITED to get her Valentines ready. We had to do 27 for the little school and 18 for the big school. This was a week early, but she was ready! 

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